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Zwingli And Calvin - J Broome (1931 - 2013)

First in "The Reformers" series. J.A. Wylie expresses it very well when he says, "Be the world's day ever so long or ever so bright, the stars that shone in the dawn (of the Reformation) will never cease to shine." John Calvin and Ulric Zwingli are two of the outstanding characters of the Reformation whose lives and writings are a testimony to the power of sovereign grace.

Zwingli And Calvin - J Broome (1931 - 2013)

  • Size, Type & Dimensions

    24 pg Booklet - 12cm x 18.5cm

Sydney: 22 Blaxland Road, Ryde N.S.W 2112

Melbourne: 536 Burwood Road, Hawthorn Victoria 3122

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