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The Israel of God - Philip Mauro (1859-1952)

An unedited commentary on Romans 9 &11 (photocopied from original as seen by page numbering), and includes a short outline of his conversion in 1903. Philip Mauro was the friend and lawyer of such men as Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell, the great inventors of their day. God gives different gifts to different men, and to Philip Mauro the famous Lawyer he gave a gifted mind. With his motto, "Scripture interprets Scripture", and a subsequent significant library of writings as his greatest legacy, Philip Mauro is the ideal Christian role model -a "simple soul" who took God at his Word and lived the Word.  

Please note that the page numbers are as in the original volume, so that in this booklet, the first page is number 63.

The Israel of God - Philip Mauro (1859-1952)

  • Size, Type & Dimensions

    48 pg Booklet - 14cm x 21.5cm

Sydney: 22 Blaxland Road, Ryde N.S.W 2112

Melbourne: 536 Burwood Road, Hawthorn Victoria 3122

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