Originally written and published in 1929 by one of the lawyers at the Scopes Trial.
What is the true and biblical hope of Israel? It was because of Paul's views and his preaching in regard thereto that he was so furiously persecuted by the Jews, and was finally sent in chains to Rome. Inasmuch as what Paul had been preaching, both to the Jews and the Gentiles, was the gospel of Jesus Christ, and nothing else, it follows that the true "hope of Israel" is an essential part of the gospel; and therefore it is a matter regarding which we cannot afford to be mistaken. Had he been preaching what the Jews themselves believed to be, and what their rabbis had given them as, the true interpretation of the prophecies (namely that God's promise to Israel was a kingdom of earthly character which should have dominion over all the world) then they would have heard him with intense satisfaction. However, Paul was persecuted for what he taught that what God had promised them through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, was a kingdom which flesh and blood cannot inherit.
The Hope of Israel - Philip Mauro (1859-1952)
Size, Type & Dimensions
261 pg Paperback - 13.5cm x 21cm