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The Gospel of the Kingdom - Philip Mauro (1859-1952)

An examination of modern dispensationalism, (originally written and published in 1928).    Dispensationalism is perhaps best known for its distinctive doctrines of a "secret rapture" of the Church, a future "great Tribulation" over which will preside an evil world leader known as the "Antichrist", and the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem along with the reinstitution of the Old Testament sacrificial system under a restored Levitical priesthood. However, the most pernicious errors of this system are not eschatological, but soteriological. As this book demonstrates, Dispensationalism, as popularized in the early 1900s by C.I. Scofield in his Reference Bible, and believed today by a large segment of the professing Evangelical Church in America, is a radical departure from the historic Christian understanding of the Kingdom and leads to an undermining of the biblical Gospel itself.

The Gospel of the Kingdom - Philip Mauro (1859-1952)

  • Size, Type & Dimensions

    258 pg Paperback - 13.5cm x 21cm x 2cm

Sydney: 22 Blaxland Road, Ryde N.S.W 2112

Melbourne: 536 Burwood Road, Hawthorn Victoria 3122

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