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The Reign of Grace - Abraham Booth (1734-1806)

Memoir of Abraham Booth and 13 articles on Grace. 2006 is the bi-centenary of the death of Abraham Booth. Of this book - his magnum opus - he wrote: "The doctrine of Sovereign Grace is here maintained and handled in a practical manner. It has been my endeavour not only to state and defend the capital truths of the gospel, in a doctrinal way; but also to point out their peculiar importance, as happily adapted to awaken the conscience, and comfort the heart; to elevate the affections, and influence the whole conduct in the way of holiness."  

The Reign of Grace - Abraham Booth (1734-1806)

  • Size, Type & Dimensions

    291 pg Paperback - 13.5cm x 21cm x 2cm

Sydney: 22 Blaxland Road, Ryde N.S.W 2112

Melbourne: 536 Burwood Road, Hawthorn Victoria 3122

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