This is a personal memoir of Francis Covell, for 31 years the pastor of West Street Particular Baptist Chapel, Croydon. It was written by his son shortly after his death in 1879. A large amount of his dying experience is recorded, together with sermons by Grey Hazelrigg and Eli Ashdown at that time. Some letters are appended. When Francis Covell began to be exercised concerning the ministry, he stated, "When I trace back and see how God began to work in my heart with such a desire to tell of that Jesus who had saved me from a burning pit; how God saves poor sinners, manifesting that love which knows no bound; to tell them there was hope in God; none were too vile for Him to save, none too far off for His arm to reach; the Heaven He had to take them to and the Hell from which to save...But I stammered! I stuttered! having an impediment in my speech".
Memoir & Letters of Francis Covell - Francis Covell (1808-1879)
Size, Type & Dimensions
120 pg Paperback - 14cm x 21.3cm