A remarkable account of those who, with a hunger for the gospel, thought nothing of walking miles across the Lancashire moors each Lord's Day to attend Hope Chapel, Rochdale. It is also a record of the faithful ministry of their pastor, John Kershaw (1792-1870), who walked the same journey in reverse to preach in the mills where they worked during the week. Their thirst after the ministry, their godly witness, their faith shining brightly in trial, puts us to shame. Today the mills where they worked are closed, the places they gathered for worship have long gone, even the valleys are now largely silent, but their witness has been faithfully and lovingly recorded for another generation in this book. We long again for the return of such blessing in the church today.
John Kershaw, And Blessing over the Moors - B.A. Ramsbottom (1929-2023)
Size, Type & Dimensions
200 pg Hardback - 15.2cm x 22cm