Attractive bookmarks featuring a selection of favourite texts, or list of 'Books of the Bible', presented on a full-colour photographic background. Pack of 10 single design bookmarks. Ideal for Sunday school gifts.
Before ordering, please email us with your chosen selection first.
BG01 - The Books of the Bible; OT & NT
BG03 - The Lord's Prayer; Matt 6:9-13
BG04 - The Fruit of the Spirit; Gal 5:19-26
BG05 - The Beatitudes; Matt 5:3-1
BG06 - John 14:1-6;
BG07 - Romans 8:28-32;
BG09 - Psalm 1;
BG10 - The Twenty-third Psalm.
Bookmarks; Pack of 10 each
Size, Type & Dimensions
10 Pack, single design - 6cm x 16cm