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The Best of John Calvin - John Calvin (1509-1564)

Originally brought out in 1837, when few of Calvin's works had been published in English, this was a great undertaking. Samuel Dunn condensed the equivalent of 20,000 pages into a 400 page book! His desire was for Calvin to be actually read, not just discussed. This book includes a life of Calvin and a useful chronological list of his writings. It is arranged in subject order, eg. Regeneration, Humility, Prayer etc, running to 38 subjects in all.

The Best of John Calvin - John Calvin (1509-1564)

  • Size, Type & Dimensions

    412 pg Paperback - 13.5cm x 21cm x 2.8cm

Sydney: 22 Blaxland Road, Ryde N.S.W 2112

Melbourne: 536 Burwood Road, Hawthorn Victoria 3122

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